face it, none of us have enough room, if I just wanted the music it would be
far more practical to get it digitally, but i don't. I want the THING cos it's
beautiful, the grooves, the labels, the 12" mailers on the doormat, the
7" bag in the pub... and the SLEEVES
lost track of the unlistenable records I have bought cos they look fantastic,
and more importantly the hits I haven't cos they look dreadful.
well designed sleeve in a shop or on a record stall makes me want a record I
have never heard.
Is it the same for you?
which case (obviously) use your imagination to design a sleeve that will stand out
on a shelf load of its peers - have a chat with your art college and
photographer mates who, I assure you, are itching to design a record sleeve.
Money is always going to be tight so think of alternatives to the regular card
sleeves, talk to local printers, think about hand making, invite all your chums
round when you have the parts and have a put-it-all-together party.
you decide to hand over the sleeve with the record to the manufacturer, talk to
them, make sure you have the right templates, resolution and bleeds.
also think about coloured vinyl or picture discs, although they will put the
unit cost up considerably.
you're putting together a number of different releases, think about a standard
label sleeve you can use for all of them (these can all be printed in one go,
and so end up much cheaper per unit), or a theme (if I have part four of a
seven-single set I'm going to find it hard to walk past the other six) but
remember NEVER to trust a band with a logo (metal excluded).
you’re working on the pictures think very carefully about the WORDS - have you
credited everyone? Is the catalogue number correct? Is the tracklisting in the
right order? have you thanked the guitarist’s previous boyfriend by mistake? Have
you called the producer the engineer? is the band name spelt correctly? Have
you included website and social media details? For you AND the band?
you including sleevenotes too?... perhaps a guide to releasing your own
re-read, re-re-read and re-re-re-read, give it to a friend to read a few times
too, and then leave the corrected copy for a weekend, and re-re-re-re-read it
before sending it off to print.
good cover will help, but won't guarantee, you sell your records - at the very
least you will have a handsome pile of unsold pop sleeves to wallpaper your
"NEVER to trust a band with a logo." You're right, the first 5 Monkees albums stand tall among the finest pop music ever, but their catalogue is a bit hit and miss after that.